1. Blog name/names?
Girl on the Right, Canadian Angels
2. On-line name/names?
RightGirl, Wendy Sullivan
3. #1 reason you blog?
4. Your blogging topic passion/passions?
Terrorism and the military
5. How long have you been either blogging &/or reading blogs?
Three years
6. #1 pet peeve of bloggers?
Low stats
7. How do you deal with trolls?
Ridicule or ignore them
8. Best advice to someone who wants to start a blog?
Stick with it until it becomes part of your soul.
9. Best advice to parent for internet safety for children?
Pay attention. Don't assume anything.
10.Where do you see blogging 5 years from now?
It will be more streamlined as those who couldn't hack it will be gone, leaving the rest of us to run the show.